It’s clear that no two children have the same personality. One may love reading, while the other may love to draw. These differences in personality usually bring along different learning styles as well.
Learning styles refer to the preference that students have when it comes to the presentation of their learning material. Usually, when the material is given in the student’s preference, learning comes about easier and studying becomes more effective. There have been numerous learning styles proposed in the past, but the most popular and widely accepted styles fall under four categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic.
These are people that learn best when information is visually presented to them. This can be through the form of a picture, video, or words. They may prefer to turn ideas into images and use maps or organizational charts to gain better comprehension. While pictures may not fully explain an idea, it can help visual learners to trigger and recall what they had learned before.
Auditory learners better understand by listening to a teacher speak, asking questions and participating in group discussions for further understanding. They usually prefer studying in a quiet environment, where they can repeat/recall their learnings out loud.
Reading and writing learners can be considered visual learners, however are more focused on seeing actual words rather than pictures. These learners can better understand and retain knowledge when reading books, taking (and sometimes re-taking) notes, or turning abstract ideas into paragraphs and essays.
These learners best grasp ideas by acting out information. This can be done by using arm movements as representations, role playing, or getting involved in physical activities. They’re very hards-on when it comes to learning and may need to experience ideas for themselves through the use of physical objects. For example, to better understand that 8 - 3 = 5, they may need to have 5 apples in front of them and physically remove 3.
Many children won’t simply fall under one category; some may even be able to learn with all four. It’s often seen, however, that one method proves to be more effective than others. Understanding what kind of learner your child is can greatly influence their behavior and ease of learning. See which one your child falls under and incorporate it into daily learning!