We are constantly adjusting to a lifestyle conditioned by a fast-paced marketplace. Digital innovation is one of the many factors that shaped the way employers and employees talk to each other. From conducting work via post mail, telegraphs, to phone calls, emails, and then group chats like Whatsapp and Viber, an average yuppie that owns a smartphone would receive more or less 100 work-related messages a day. The marketplace persistently demands quicker responses and swift executions, which often times rattles the individual unto a pattern of cramming. Sleep either becomes of secondary importance or of no importance at all! A sleeping pattern of 4-5 hours is now considered normal, and insomnia is thought of as “just another problem.”

About 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia. This is the most common sleeping disorder in the area. Due to neglect and lack of consideration to the needs of one’s own health, many do not realize that the long term consequences of sleep deprivation include obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Furthermore, its short term side effects include grogginess, baggy eyes, forgetfulness, and lack of focus.
Swimming helps treat sleeplessness
Exercise helps treat people with sleep deprivation. Swimming, in particular, is one of the effective remedies due to its calming attributes as opposed to stress-inducing workouts.
Here are some of the factors that make swimming an exceptional remedy for sleeplessness:
Weightless environment The weightless environment of swimming keeps muscles less tense and more relaxed whilst engaging the whole body. In addition, it keeps joints safe from pain that may cause further disturbance.
Rhythmic movement Swimming laps induces rhythmic movement of the body that requires focused breathing. The calming properties of such activity are similar to those benefitted from yoga and meditation.
Muscle soreness There’s a good kind of sore – the one that isn’t uncomfortable but is rather reassuring. This happens when muscles are recovering after a physical activity. The right soreness causes sleep to feel more relaxing and refreshing.
“Swimming has the ability to break that cycle both mentally and physically. Sensory deprivation, a complete lack of stress on the body, stretching, fat burning, muscle building, weight loss, combating depression, all of these powerful aspects of swimming are sure to help you sleep more soundly.” - Nicolle Hiddleston
Choose your lifestyle:
Don’t workout while sleep-deprived! Workout to remedy sleep deprivation!
One of the common problems we experience nowadays is the habit of working out despite the lack of sleep. Many youths today hit the gym even though they only get about 5 hours of sleep regularly. This effort to “bulk up” or “stay healthy” is actually more counteractive than productive since poor sleep weakens the body and minimizes its potential to do more or gain more muscle. Moreover, a sleep deprived body tends to be hypersensitive to stress (especially insomniacs). Adding more stress to the body from physical exhaustion often leaves the individual awake and restless throughout the night. Ultimately, such an effort repels the body from exercising, thus attempts to integrate physical activity as a weekly commitment often dwindle.
“Poor sleep might lead to negative health partly because it makes people less inclined to exercise. More than one half (57%) of the total sample reported that their activity level will be less than usual after a night of poor sleep. Not exercising and not sleeping becomes a vicious cycle.” - Shawn Youngstedt, PhD
Indeed, swimming is supposed to support a healthy lifestyle rather than to promote the opposite. Should you swim to improve your sleep, you must practice discipline and discernment so as not to slip into the thinking that sleeping is not “as important” as exercise. In fact, both go hand-in-hand because with good exercise comes good sleep, and good sleep results in restfulness, happiness, and better motivation for the pursuit of healthy living.
“Our poll data certainly find strong relationships between good sleep and exercise. While cause and effect can be tricky, I don’t think having good sleep necessarily compels us to exercise. I think it is much more likely that exercising improves sleep. And good sleep is fundamental for good health, productivity, and happiness.” - Max Hirshkowitz, PhD
Idleness or inactivity causes over-sleepiness
What’s ironic about being inactive is that it keeps the body both restless and tired. Those who live a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to feeling fatigued and sleepy while doing everyday activities like driving, eating, and engaging in social activity. Overall quality of life is compromised simply because many are either “too busy” or “too lazy” to set aside a few minutes to swim.
Where to start: Start small at exercise!
If you haven’t worked out in a while (or at all), you can always begin with a few laps or drills. One of the most effective ways to go through this is by having a coach or a friend to cheer you on as you progress. Small beginnings make great changes in one’s sleep. As you work your way up to more intense activities, your sleep quality improves at the same time.
Keep it interesting!
If you’ve been swimming for a while, then you simply ought to find ways to make the routine interesting by adding variety. Buying new equipment to try new drills keeps routines more fun and exciting.
The hustle and bustle of metro living doesn’t stop. You will always need to choose good health over the “convenience” of skipping sleep. Swimming is known to be one of the most effective remedies for sleeping problems. Jumpstart with The Noodies Swim School today for better quality of life. :)