Water safety surrounds a person's behavior in and around the water. Before going to the pool or beach make sure to be familiar to these basic water safety tips to ensure a safe and pleasant water experience.
Never Swim Alone
Swimming should only happen when a lifeguard is on duty. Lifeguards don't just watch the people in the pool or ocean. Their job is also to watch the water and advise swimmers on any safety concerns and conditions that may arise. They are also trained to respond quickly when something happens.
In addition to swimming with a lifeguard nearby, a good rule of thumb is to use the buddy system while swimming. Always swim with a friend so they can look out for one another. Besides having more fun to swim with a friend, this also ensures there is someone who can go for help if something goes wrong.
Always Wear a Life Vest
Children or inexperienced swimmers should always wear a life jacket around water. There are plenty of products on the market claiming to help people stay afloat, such as floaties, pool noodles, etc., but these are not a substitute for life preservers or lifesaving devices in a genuine emergency. Use these products only when a parent or trustworthy adult is within arm's length of a person using them. Don’t rely on life vest or other equipment to make a person “water safe", always go with a buddy.
Reach, Throw, Don't Go to Save a Friend
If a person sees their friend struggling to swim, instinct may urge them to "jump in" for help. However, doing so could lead to both people drowning. The Y’s Safety Around Water program recommends the “reach, throw, don’t go” technique, which involves using a long object to pull a struggling swimmer to safety. By doing this technique, people can help a friend without putting themselves at risk.
Enter the Water Properly
Injuries can occur when people jump or dive headfirst into shallow water. Make sure everyone will enter and exit the pool the proper way. If they're interested in jumping and diving, make sure to teach them the correct way to do it, as well as point out the areas where it is safe to do so. If your pool does not have an area designated for diving, do not allow it, no matter how deep the water. Make sure to maintain the water as clean as possible by showering with soap before going swimming, washing your hands after using the bathroom. Lastly, always put on plenty of sunscreen before you go outside. It's also a good idea to wear protective clothing to help shield your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Stay Away From Hazards
Hair, bathing suits and even limbs have become stuck in broken or faulty drains, which can lead to drowning or serious injury. Make sure everyone will avoid to stay near these areas in pools, especially if a drain is missing a cover or appears broken. If you notice one that seems to be operating incorrectly, report it immediately. If swimming on the beach, don't go close to obstructions that jut out into the water. If the water moves suddenly, you could hit a piling or a rock. Also, don't forget to wear protective footwear if surfaces are rough or rocky. Another tip is to face the waves, instead of turning your back on them. So that you know what's coming ahead of you.
Stay Within Designated Swim Areas
Whether you're swimming in a pool or ocean, staying within the designated swimming areas is vital in staying safe. Be aware about and obey pool rules. Be familiar with the ropes and why people use them to divide a pool. Never encourage a person to swim in water deeper than their abilities will allow, and, especially if you're swimming in a lake or ocean, always follow guidelines local lifeguards have established for they are familiar with the water environment and know enough about how it changes from day to day to make safe and up-to-date recommendations.
Avoid Swimming When You're Not Feeling "Well"
This advice applies to everyone. If you feel something is wrong before entering the water, stop. If you think you feel something will be affecting your ability to swim well, stop. Germs might lurk in the water that can make you or another person sick.
Learn CPR
Even by following all these guidelines and staying safe in the water, the unfortunate truth is that accidents happen. If a drowning incident or pool-related accident occurs, bystanders are typically the first available to react and respond. As a person supervising your buddy, it's critical for you to be familiar with lifesaving techniques, including CPR for children and adults. Knowing how to perform CPR can be the difference between life and death. Get your CPR certification and keep it up to date.
Know How to Swim
The best way to ensure safety is to enroll in a swimming school. In Noodies Swim School, trained experts and coaches will teach your children how to swim and also integrate safety precautions whenever near a body of water. Participation in swim lessons can significantly reduce the risk of drowning, especially for children ages 1 to 4. Ensure that everyone in the family learns how to swim well and enroll your kids to The Noodies Swim School early in life.
If you have more questions about water safety for your family. Our trained experts and coaches can be reached from Our Team!